Get noticed 98% open rate with every text sent.

Text messaging boasts a 98% open rate. Instantly connect with customers, enhance promotions, and build customer loyalty.

Leap360 SMS service

Messaging no matter the situation.

LEAP360 empowers users with all the tools to reach customers with right messages at the right time, before, during, and after the visit.


Captivate customers with compelling videos that tell your story and drive engagement.

QR codes

Unlock the power of QR codes with LEAP360 to avail special discounts and offers.


Capture their attention with stunning, high-quality photos.

PDF documents

Transform information into interactive user experiences with dynamic PDF documents.

Contact cards

Capture attention and foster connections with dynamic contact cards showcasing rich, engaging media.

Boost your sales with SMS

Reach customers instantly with personalized promotions and update notifications through automated, impactful campaigns.

Unlock the power of SMS

Boost Engagement, Sales, and Revenue with Personalized Marketing.

High open rate


Of SMSs are opened, making it an effective way to reach customers.

High CTR


click-through rate (CTR) of SMS campaigns outperforms email campaign CTRs by 4X.

SMS stats


Of consumers prefer receiving promotional SMSs from businesses they've interacted with.

Sales boost


Sales boost through SMS campaigns makes it valuable to drive revenue.


Optimize SMS marketing with LEAP360's analytics. Track delivery, open rates, bounce rates, CTR, and conversions to refine messaging, boost engagement, and improve ROI.

How to create a SMS campaign in LEAP360

Review and send your campaign
Monitor and analyze the performance.

Want to take your business to the next level? 

Supercharge your marketing strategy with LEAP360 today!